Sunday, March 15, 2009

Ew. Diet? What?!

More than ever, people are trying to lose weight and stay in shape. Typically, a person will try a fad diet, it will work for a little while, and then BAM - the weight is all back (and more!)...

Why? Truth is: if you do a stupid fasting diet (the cayenne pepper & lemon water for example), you are only really just flushing out your system. You lose the weight you want, and then as soon as you put something REAL into your mouth again, your body goes into a euphoric shock. It starts thinking "HOLY MOLY, FOOD!" and decides to store as much as it can because it NEVER wants to lose out on nourishment EVER again.

This information isn't anything new.
You need to eat to lose weight. Your body needs fuel. DUH.
This also doesn't mean that eating ANYTHING will make you lose weight. Another DUH.
There are certain foods, as I'm sure you've learned by watching The Biggest Loser or by sitting in 9th Grade Biology class, that will help you shred the lbs more than others. Foods high in saturated and trans fats and/or have a high sugar content would likely NOT be the best choices for someone wanting to lose weight.

This does not mean you need to cut out your favorites completely. ABSOLUTELY NOT.
AND this doesn't mean eliminating ALL fats and sugars all together.
That would be a BIG MISTAKE. We need these in our diet. And, we all have cravings.
So what do we do then? How do we lose weight?

Although we hate to admit it, The Canada Food Guide isn't lying folks.
FUN TIP: they make 100 Calorie packs FOR A REASON! Because you really shouldn't be eating more than that for a snack!
Unfortunately, we are trained to think that we need MORE of everything, its the sort of society we live in.

Why give your body more fuel than it can burn? Do we fill our car more than the tank can fit? No.
Your body is that way too. The food that isn't being burnt off is excess and therefore, it is the bit of extra luggage you've got to carry around with you. You can still eat the things you like, but you need to be careful about HOW MUCH of it you take in. Remember, you burn off calories with you exercise and therefore you can consume more if you burn more. Incentive? I think so.

An easy way of finding out how much you eat, is by keeping track of the amount of calories you eat in a day. You can find out how many calories you SHOULD be consuming per day by calculating your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR). Then again, not everyone can be bothered with numbers. An average male should consume about 2500 calories a day, and an average woman about 2000, according to Health Canada.

Now that the formalities and background information are out of the way... What's the point of this blog? Who am I telling you this?
Well, I've been there. I've carried many more pounds more than I needed to, and hey, I still carry at least 10 more than I should. I'm NOT here to convince you of anything, that's for sure.
And I'm by NO MEANS any sort of nutritionist or whatever.
I don't think you should follow a diet at all, REALLY.
The point of this blog is to provide you with easy recipes, sneaky tips, and short cuts in order to promote a healthier lifestyle AND STILL have all the foods you've grown to love and crave!

Happy Eating! xo

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