Saturday, January 30, 2010

Deep Freeze

After a bad night last night: Home-made spaghetti and meatballs, and a late-night trip to TCBY, and a day too cold to go for a nice, long walk... This morning, I woke up feeling a little food-guilty. I had to remind myself that one bad night doesn't reverse my whole universe. I reminded myself that during the day yesterday, I was really good. Lots of fruit, and a great salad at lunch - and we all deserve to have a wild night once in a while.

Today, the walk is on hold. But a solid hour of Just Dance and Wii Fit should do me some good. Don't under-estimate interactive video games. Give it your everything and you'll break into a sweat. If no Wii in sight, check out some workout videos or dance classes on youtube. Don't let the deep freeze halt your workout routine.

Yeah it would be easy to stay in bed, warm and cozy all day, and just feel bad about the night before. But to stay on track, keep yourself motivated by doing some fun, indoor exercise and just jumping back on track. Always think forward.

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