Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Back to Basics
Calorie Count (Free obviously!), is a similar to the daily plate, however, it is a bit more advanced. It will give you a healthy goal weight - based on your activity level and BMI, as well as give you a date reasonable for your goal. It won't let you try to lose more than 2 pounds a week, because hey! - that ain't healthy. The site also lets you log in your activity and food for the day, and charts your progress, as well as gives you a breakdown of what nutrition you got that day (ie: what percentage of your day was based on fat, etc.)
Another great site I found this week was World's Healthiest Foods.
Starting a diet and don't know what to eat? Have an idea of what you think is healthy but aren't sure? Check this out as well! It will help give a basis of foods you should be including in your daily intake! (But remember, everything in moderation!)
Happy Holidays, and Happy Eating! xo
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Attached to livestrong.com, they have a free food diary called the daily plate. You enter your height, weight, and activity level, in addition to your weekly goals, and it generates the calories you need per day.
There is also a database of food items so you can type "sushi spicy tuna roll" and it will tell you the amount of calories and fat and everything and log it in for you, telling you the remaining calories per day.
Check out this site now, you won't regret it!
Thursday, November 12, 2009
New Discovery
And I opened my Microsoft Word (for Mac), and made an interesting discovery.
In the project manager (what word opens to when it asks you what kind of blank document to open), there is a little menu on the side.
If you click Planners, there is a section called Meal/Diet Planners...
There is a daily food log and a meal planner that calculates everything for you at your disposal! Crazy!
I have to say I created my own version of the template, customizing colors and such!
I'm too excited! I can't wait to use it!
I wonder if they have it for PC too! Let me know!
Monday, November 9, 2009
Setting Goals
25 lbs in two months? As if.
Rule Number Two:
By two weeks from now, I'd like to have dropped 2 lbs. That way, if you lost one more, you'd be stoked. If you lost one less, you'd be less let-down.
Rule Number Three:
You might have gained weight because you gained muscle, or maybe your body is being stubborn and has decided to plateau. Try to trick your body by trying a new exercise or some different foods in your diet.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Exploring Fruit

STOP. Variety is essential. Check out new things.
There is way more than just apples and oranges out there!
Ever cracked open your own pomegranate? It's very tasty and not nearly as complicated to eat as you'd think! They're messy but really fun! Available at Loblaws (2 for $5), check them out - they even come with instructions! Also, a fun snack to keep you busy while you're studying, since the fruit comes in seeds!
In the grocery store, try to pick one new fruit per week. You'll thank yourself that you are not getting tired of eating healthy!
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Turns out, there's a free beginner yoga/pilates video! It's about twenty minutes long, and it looks promising! When I'm healthy again I'll be on that like peanut butter to jelly.
She's kind of really annoying, but it's a good work out. I definitely recommend it.
Friday, October 23, 2009
You're Stuck?
but you're in agony, because you know it's not healthy...
Eat the kids meal.
It's already portion controlled for you, and you get that splurge you crave once in a while.
And! Rather than fries, at McDonald's you can get apple slices instead!
Sadly, a kids meal at fast food restaurants may have less fat and calories that their salads - which often include breaded chicken and fattening dressing - so be wary of your options!
Tip: This also is a great move at the movies. The kids portion usually includes a small drink (hooray for not having to pee halfway through!), a small amount of candy or chocolate, and a reduced amount popcorn as well! If you're craving the whole moving going experience, this would have to be the best choice for you! It's usually about the same cost as getting a medium sized popcorn (sad eh?!) and you usually get a little cup to bring home!
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Check it out here
Cozy Up To This Idea
One of the best comfort foods of all time is Lasagna. And with a slice usually costing us about 500-600 calories in our daily intake (not to mention over 20g of fat and toooons of sodium), it's not a viable dinner option for those who watch what they eat.
The solution - good old portion control. By eating one or two rolls rather than a whopping huge piece of lasagna, you're controlling how much you eat. You can debate whether or not you need more to eat, rather than just forcing yourself to finish what you have on your plate. And by using low-fat ingredients, you won't feel so bad grabbing a second helping.
Lasagna Rolls:
What you need:
*1 box of whole wheat lasagna noodles
*1 container of light ricotta or cottage cheese
*any veggies you like (onions, garlic, peppers, spinach, asparagus, mushrooms, whatever!)
*Pam or any other kitchen spray (for the pan, to cook your veggies)
*tomato sauce - enough for the bottom of the cassarole dish and enough to top the rolls, so about a jar and a half (high fibre is my fave, but if you have a favorite or make your own, by all means)
*part-skim mozzarella cheese - about 1 1/2 cups (or as much as you like on top)
How to do it:
1) Boil some water and cook up the noodles/preheat your oven to 425 degrees F
2) At the same time you are cooking your noodles, heat up your pan with kitchen spray and saute your veggies - i usually use whatever I have on hand - until cooked through.
3) prepare a casarole dish with tomato sauce on the bottom, just enough so you can't see the bottom
4) mix the veggies and the ricotta together in a bowl
5) drain your pasta and pat dry a little bit, and then lay the noodles out on a large clean work surface or a cutting board
6) spoon your ricotta/veggie mixture along each noodle, and then roll them up (as if rolling a jelly roll) and place them seam side down in the tomato sauce mixture. Not too close together - leave about a centimetre between each roll.
7) after you've finished all your lasagna rolls, top them with some more tomato sauce and your cheese
8) cover lightly with tin foil and cook for 20 mins, then remove the foil and cook for another 15 minutes
Tip: let it stand for 8-10 mins before serving - it will be easier to serve and not to hot to eat. As well, if there is an extra sauce leftover, serve it along side the rolls, every one likes extra sauce.
Hope you enjoy this one all winter long!
Sunday, October 18, 2009
We Like Free Things...
Blackberry has at least one available free in the App Store. Infact, the store has a whole health and fitness section! As well, Apple has them available for download for your dashboard too! Apparently there are apps for iPhone as well, but I am unawares as to whether or not their free. Now really, what's your excuse for not keeping track of what you eat?!
Another amazing discovery is that YouTube has free Pilates workout videos. You know you always meant to sign up for that class, but now, you don't have to - you can try it at home! Feel free to search for your own, but I especially like Erin Huggins' videos since she has videos for amateurs and experts. (Bonus, her YouTube homepage has other wellness tips as well!)
Enjoy the freebies and stay healthy!
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Writing WILL Help You Lose Weight
I agree entirely. However, I believe that it would benefit you to not only to write down everything you eat (oh, and the first day you might look at it and be thoroughly disgusted), but to be honest with yourself when you write as well. It's really important not to cheat yourself.
Writing down what you eat? - I'd go even further than that.
Once you're in a food-logging routine:
*Write down all of the activity you did during the day.
*Write down all of the water you've consumed that day.
Sometimes I'm shocked as to how little water I've consumed in a day! It's really such an integral part of your daily diet. Yeah, you can be consuming all that fiber you're supposed to in a day... but without water it is not being broken down and therefore is not effective in your diet.
Also, remember... any activity counts! Maybe you didn't make it to the gym or you were too busy to make it to your pick-up game, but nonetheless take note as to how much you walked or ran for the bus or whatever. These add up, and make you feel better at the end of the day as well.
Good luck on your healthy-eating adventures!
New recipes coming up later this week! Check back for updates.
Monday, September 14, 2009
Back to School, Back to EAT
STAY TUNED for new posts to come, just in time for the new school year!
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Wingin' it
I love chicken wings. I'd be lying if I said I haven't been craving them for months.
But weighing in at 100 calories a wing, (and therefore making a 10 pack from Buffalo Bills 1000 calories before the fries and the blue cheese dip...), it is no longer a viable option.
But when I start to think about it... Am I really craving the wing? Or are am I really craving the sauce?
Here's a recipe to solve those cravings without the waistline woes:
Buffalo Chicken Salad
What you need:
*Your choice of Lettuce (I'd hit up romaine for this one)
*Shredded Carrots
*Celery, Julienned
*1/3 cup of crumbled blue cheese
*2 chicken breasts
*1 cup of BBQ sauce
*1 tbsp of Olive Oil
*Lime Juice (fresh preferably)
How to do it:
1) a couple hours before cooking, marinate the chicken breasts in 1/2 cup of BBQ sauce
2) assemble the veggies and cheese into a salad
3) grill chicken (preferably on the BBQ) for until the inside is white and the juices run clear
4) just about when the chicken is done, brush some more BBQ sauce onto the chicken.
5) dress your salad with the olive oil and lime juice (tip: for more of a kick add Tabasco to the dressing!)
6) slice the chicken and top your salad with it!
Enjoy in front of the big game, or any night of the week! You'll be glad you didn't rely of Buffalo Bill.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Tired of Salad? Me too.
Sometimes we get tired of eating like a rabbit, so replace it with...
A Spanish-Inspired soup, that you're supposed to eat cold!
AND, you can totally make it without spending hours dicing!
You can make it in MINUTES in a BLENDER!
And you'll probably use less oil than you would in a salad!
What you need:
*Tomato Juice, or V8 - about 2 cups (more or less to suit your desired consistency)
*Fresh Tomatoes - about a cup of grape tomatoes, or 2-3 large ones
*Celery - 1/2 cup
*Cucumber - 1/2 cup
*Bell Pepper - 1/2 cup (I usually use a contrasting color, to make it pretty)
*Red Onion - 3/4 cup (or to taste, and use any kind of onion, i just like red because it's not that sharp in comparison)
*Garlic - one or two cloves (up to you!)
*Salt and Pepper (a pinch? Remember, you can add more to your serving later)
*Olive Oil - one tbsp (for a whole batch of gazpacho, that's very little, and it helps to get your mixture soup smooth)
*Herbs (any really, and as much as you like! I even put in dill the other day, and it was amazing!)
*Avocado (for garnish, and some essential fats - if you're in the mood)
*Balsamic Vinegar or Glaze (also could be used for garnish)
*Hot Sauce (I like mine spicy!)
*Crusty Bread
1) Roughly chop your veggies (and herbs if you wish) and pop them in the blender
2) Add the tomato juice
3) Blend to desired consistency
4) Serve with any garnishes you desire (about 3/4 cup a serving!)
Yeah, it's that simple. Enjoy your salad substitute!
Monday, March 23, 2009
Things Aren't As Good For You As You Think - Guest Blog
Let's start with the saccarine substitute known as splenda. First and foremost, splenda is fake. Plain and simple. It's not REAL sugar. While it is MADE from real sugar, it's so synthesized that it isn't as healthy for you as people think. In fact, splenda was originally created when scientists were trying to come up with a new form of insecticide. And we put this stuff in our Coffee? Yeuch. As far as health, splenda can definitely be viewed as a real detriment. In terms of weight and caloric content, splenda isn't as devoid of calories as you think. According to one website, “One cup of Splenda contains 96 calories and 32 grams of carbohydrates, which is substantial for people with diabetes but unnoticed due to the label claiming that it's a no calorie sweetener.” Government regulations allow for anything containing less then five calories per gram to be advertised as zero calories. Splenda has 3.3 calories per gram, a not insignificant amount. Besides these two facts, there is also the issue of blood sugar levels. Your body processes real sugar along with insulin in order to regulate your blood sugar levels. Without real sugar, your insulin levels are going to be thrown out of whack because your body reacts to the splenda without processing it as real sugar. For these three reasons, I would suggest that if you're going to have a coffee, drink it black.
Also, Subway is perhaps one of the most misleading foods on the market. Yeah, sure, Jarrad lost 430984350934850439502974392874 pounds on the “subway” diet, but he did it eating six inch veggie subs with no cheese or sauce three times a day. Your double stuffed turkey with southwest sauce isn't healthy for you just because it's on whole wheat bread! In fact, wholewheat bread is only better for you if you live an active lifestyle, because it's a slower burn and you have more opportunities to work it off. It in fact has a higher caloric content then whitebread. A six inch whole wheat bread from subway has approx 190 calories. Multiply that times two, plus the sauce, plus the meat, and your twelve inch subway sandwich is bordering on 1,000 calories. Yeesh. Next time you go for fastfood, try and find somewhere that offers a salad alternative (go light on the dressing!) or better yet, bring a lunch from home. The second the preparation of your meals is out of your hands, the higher the likelihood your lunch isn't going to be so friendly to your waistline.
That's it for now! Hope you found my tips helpful! - Hungry
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Recipe of the Day: Garlic Mashed Potatoes
Well, why wouldn't you be? It's delicious and way more filling than a 100 calorie pack. Yeah, that's right, these will only knock off 100 calories off your day! How? Oh... there's no butter!
What you'll need:
- 4 medium white potatoes, peeled and cubed
- 4 garlic cloves, peeled [Tip: Smash them with the flat of your knife to peel off the skins easily]
- 1/3 cup of skim milk (or more, if you like really thin mashed potatoes)
- 1/3 cup of non-fat sour cream
- Salt & pepper (to taste)
The Recipe:
1. Boil the potatoes and the garlic in a pot for approximately 16-20 minutes, until tender
2. Drain, let sit for a moment
3. Add milk to the pot while its still warm
4. Add the potato/garlic mixture back into the pot
5. Add sour cream into the pot
6. Take your potato masher, and get all that stress out. Mash them up to whatever texture you like.
7. Season your potatoes the way you like them. (I usually put a ton of pepper, and no salt)
This recipe should make about 4 servings. I sometimes eat them without anything on top, or sometimes with ketchup, but...
Can't eat mashed potatoes without gravy? Try this:
1. Spray pan with cooking spray
2. Add 1 small onion (diced) and 1/2 cup of mushrooms (chopped) to the pan, cook until tender, pour into a bowl, and leave aside.
3. Add 1 & 1/2 tbsp of flour to the pan with 1 tbsp of non-fat sour cream, and stir until thick-ish
4. Add 1/2 cup of red wine, and 1 cup of vegetable broth, stir
5. Add 1/2 a cube of vegetable bouillon (or if you're not making this vegetarian, you can use poultry seasoning), and a small can of low-fat cream of mushroom soup into the pan, and whisk together until completely homogenous
6. Add the onion and mushroom mixture to the pan and let simmer until thickened
You'll have plenty of gravy, but if you divide it into 4, it's also only 100 calories a serving!
Personally, I'd probably just eat the potatoes as a meal alone...
But add 3 oz of chicken or turkey to create a delicious meal for about 350 calories!
It almost like having the holidays all year round!
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Tip of the Day: Low-Fat Brownies
We all use cake mix out of convenience. Sometimes you have spontaneous guests, or you're just in the mood for a good brownie - but you don't want to go through the hassle of actually making stuff from scratch. Besides, if Giada can spruce up cake mix, so can we!
What you'll need:
- Egg Whites
- Unsweetened Applesauce
- Brownie or Cake Mix (whatever you're in the mood for)
- Honey/Jam/Marshmallows/Chocolate Chips (optional)*
Why it works:
Applesauce is a great substitution for oil when you bake. a) it makes things taste sweeter. b) you're hardcore cutting down on the fat. c) it will be softer and fluffier.
There is a lot of nutrition in eggs, and its good to have one once a day. With eggs, and their yolks, being hidden in a lot of things - we eat a lot more of them than we should. If you eliminate the yolks, you're helping your body by cutting a little more bad cholesterol from your diet, as well as fat... YAY!
How you do it:
- For the exact amount of oil the box tells you to use, substitute applesauce (eg: 1/4 cup of oil -> 1/4 cup applesauce)
- Add one more egg white than the amount of whole eggs the box says to add. (eg: 3 whole eggs -> 4 egg whites)
Icing: also not so great for you, but there are alternatives!
1. You could drizzle honey on top, or spread jam on it. BUT...
2. You could also take a cup of marshmallows and a 1/4 cup of chocolate chips and add them to the end of cooking time to let it melt and ooze all over.
* Rather than 200 calories worth of icing on top of your piece of cake, this will only cost you 50 calories and your whole brownie would be cost you less than 200 calories! It's delicious, and I promise, you WILL NOT miss the icing.
3. Or you could always just serve your cake or brownies plain-jane, with nothing at all on top!
Extra tip: if you have those mini cupcake tins, that would be a great way to make your own version of two-bite brownies - but better for you than the brand name! And, you can treat yourself to a couple! You'll feel like you've indulged EVEN more.
That's it! Other than those substitutions, follow the instructions that the cake mix tells you. Because of the applesauce and egg whites, your baked goods may not last as long as they normally do. I'm pretty sure baked goods don't last that long anywhere though, so it's pretty much a non-issue. Enjoy these next time you get a craving!
Monday, March 16, 2009
Recipe of the Day: Egg Rolls
What you'll need:
- Egg Roll Wrappers (Available in the frozen section of virtually every grocery store)
- 1 Bell Pepper (Any color you desire)
- 1/4 Cup Cellophane Noodles
- 1 Green Onion
- 1 Large Carrot
- 1 Cup Bean Sprouts
- 1/4 Cup Snow Peas (Or Sugar Snap Peas)
- 2 tbsp Ginger
- 1 tbsp Low Sodium Soy Sauce (Amazing alternative to the regular)
- 2 tbsp Veggie Oil (and/or Sesame Oil, only if you've got it)
- A sauce to dip into (Can be whatever you like. I'm partial to Renee's Tangy Thai Marinade, but you could just as easily use Plum Sauce, Hot Mustard, or make your own!)
- Meat (I make mine vegetarian, but feel free to throw in leftover meat if you like)
- Water Chestnuts/Bamboo Shoots (I don't like them, but if you do, go for it)
- Cilantro (Lots of people don't like it, if I've got it around, I might throw it in)
- Cooking Spray (For the baking sheet. If you like to grease your pans another way, up to you)
The Recipe:
Tip: A day before you want to make these, take the frozen egg roll wrappers out of the freezer and put them in the fridge to thaw out.
1. Set your oven for 400 F, then take your wrappers out of the fridge.
To Make the Filling:
2. In a bowl, take a handful of cellophane noodles and let them sit in BOILING water, for however long the package says. Afterward, drain the water and let cool.
3. While you're letting the noodles cook, peel and mince the ginger. Tip: an easy way to peel ginger is using the edge of a little spoon.
4. In a bowl, mix the ginger and the soy sauce.
5. Cut up those veggies - julienne style. That way, the long pieces will be so much easier to roll up!
6. Mix all the veggies, and the noodles, in the bowl with the soy and ginger.
7. Let it chill out together in the fridge for about 20 mins.
8. In the meantime, grease a baking sheet (or two, depending on how many of these you're going to make.
Ready to Roll?
9. Place one of your egg roll wrappers in a clean, dry place on your counter, and brush a little bit of veggie oil (or sesame oil) on each of the corners of your wrapper.
10. Put about 1 1/2 tbsp of the filling in the center of your wrapper.
11. Fold the bottom corner up, and fold both sides toward center and roll tightly (like a tortilla).
12. Place seam-side down on nonstick baking sheet; repeat with remaining skins and filling.
13. Once you're done rolling all of these (maybe you want to do this with a friend... it can take a while), put them in the oven for about 9 minutes.
14. After the 9 minutes, flip 'em over and brown the other side, for another 8 minutes.
15. Take them out. Let them cool. You'll want to grab them right away, but don't. It'll hurt. Take it from me.
16. Serve with sauce, and please, try to share with your friends. Remember - MODERATION!
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Tip of the Day: KD

The wonderful people at Kraft have recently released WHOLE WHEAT versions of their Original and White Cheddar dinners! Although still a weeeee-bit high on the sodium content, the whole wheat version is higher in fibre and therefore is a much better alternative to the regular noodles. Regardless of whichever version, KD is a solid source of Calcium! As well, on the box Kraft has provided a 'Sensible Solutions' way to preparing KD, which is 30 calories less than the original sauce recipe! However, there is an even more "Sensible" way to prepare KD, and it's a lot creamier too!
To give you an idea, we'll compare sauce recipes:
- Original Recipe: 2 tbsp butter or margarine, 3 tbsp of milk (roughly 300+ calories)
- Sensible Solutions Recipe: 1 tbsp non-hydrogenated margarine, 1/4 cup skim milk (roughly 200 calories)
- Foodie Recipe: 2 tbsp of skim milk, and 2 (big) tbsp of non-fat sour cream (about 100 calories)
Remember, often people make the mistake of eating the WHOLE BOX, rather than the proper serving size. For 2/3 of a cup (the suggested serving size), the 'Sensible Solutions' recipe would come out to 210 calories, and the 'Original' recipe would be about 250. How many calories in the Foodie Recipe? About 185.
Ladies and Gentlemen, I think we have a winner! Try it out next time you make Kraft Dinner!
Ew. Diet? What?!
Why? Truth is: if you do a stupid fasting diet (the cayenne pepper & lemon water for example), you are only really just flushing out your system. You lose the weight you want, and then as soon as you put something REAL into your mouth again, your body goes into a euphoric shock. It starts thinking "HOLY MOLY, FOOD!" and decides to store as much as it can because it NEVER wants to lose out on nourishment EVER again.
This information isn't anything new.
You need to eat to lose weight. Your body needs fuel. DUH.
This also doesn't mean that eating ANYTHING will make you lose weight. Another DUH.
There are certain foods, as I'm sure you've learned by watching The Biggest Loser or by sitting in 9th Grade Biology class, that will help you shred the lbs more than others. Foods high in saturated and trans fats and/or have a high sugar content would likely NOT be the best choices for someone wanting to lose weight.
This does not mean you need to cut out your favorites completely. ABSOLUTELY NOT.
AND this doesn't mean eliminating ALL fats and sugars all together.
That would be a BIG MISTAKE. We need these in our diet. And, we all have cravings.
So what do we do then? How do we lose weight?
Although we hate to admit it, The Canada Food Guide isn't lying folks.
FUN TIP: they make 100 Calorie packs FOR A REASON! Because you really shouldn't be eating more than that for a snack!
Unfortunately, we are trained to think that we need MORE of everything, its the sort of society we live in.
Why give your body more fuel than it can burn? Do we fill our car more than the tank can fit? No.
Your body is that way too. The food that isn't being burnt off is excess and therefore, it is the bit of extra luggage you've got to carry around with you. You can still eat the things you like, but you need to be careful about HOW MUCH of it you take in. Remember, you burn off calories with you exercise and therefore you can consume more if you burn more. Incentive? I think so.
An easy way of finding out how much you eat, is by keeping track of the amount of calories you eat in a day. You can find out how many calories you SHOULD be consuming per day by calculating your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR). Then again, not everyone can be bothered with numbers. An average male should consume about 2500 calories a day, and an average woman about 2000, according to Health Canada.
Well, I've been there. I've carried many more pounds more than I needed to, and hey, I still carry at least 10 more than I should. I'm NOT here to convince you of anything, that's for sure.
And I'm by NO MEANS any sort of nutritionist or whatever.
I don't think you should follow a diet at all, REALLY.
The point of this blog is to provide you with easy recipes, sneaky tips, and short cuts in order to promote a healthier lifestyle AND STILL have all the foods you've grown to love and crave!
Happy Eating! xo